Texas Fertility Center Group

Fertility Preservation

You can find all the fertility preservation options you need at Texas Fertility Center

If you want to put your dream of having a family on hold, you’re in luck because there are plenty of fertility preservation options available today. Madeline Kaye MD at our Cedar Park fertility practice can help you explore all your options, including embryo, sperm and egg freezing. The Texas Fertility Center team uses the latest techniques to help patients preserve their fertility for the future, and we look forward to helping you do so.

Egg freezing is one of the most popular forms of fertility preservation

You’ve probably been hearing more about egg freezing lately, as more women are starting to pursue it. Dr. Kaye typically recommends this fertility option for women in their 20s and 30s because egg quality and quantity decrease with age. When you freeze your eggs earlier, you have a better chance of conceiving with them using IVF later.

To freeze your eggs, you’ll just follow a few simple steps at our Cedar Park fertility practice. First, you’ll take injectable fertility medications and attend regular monitoring appointments. This step helps your body safely produce and mature multiple eggs at the same time. When your eggs are mature, you’ll have an outpatient egg retrieval procedure. Finally, embryologists will prepare and freeze your eggs before placing them into storage until you’re ready to use them.

There are many different reasons why women might move forward with this type of fertility preservation. Women may freeze eggs for medical reasons if they’re preparing to undergo chemotherapy or another treatment that could damage their fertility. It can also be a good option for women who are at-risk of experiencing early menopause.

Other women may choose egg freezing to delay motherhood to pursue educational, personal or professional goals. Women in the armed forces may also freeze their eggs before military deployment.

We offer two other types of fertility preservation

In addition to egg freezing, Texas Fertility Center also offers sperm and embryo freezing. Sperm freezing allows men to preserve their sperm for future family-building attempts using IUI or IVF. This can be a great option for men who are preparing for military deployment, vasectomy or cancer treatment.

As for embryo freezing, it can help couples who want to have children in the future but aren’t quite ready for parenthood yet. Our Cedar Park fertility practice may also recommend embryo freezing when couples get multiple healthy embryos from one IVF cycle. Freezing embryos is an affordable way to have more than one pregnancy from just one cycle.

If you would like to learn more about options like embryo, sperm or egg freezing, Dr. Kaye can help. Contact us to schedule an appointment and explore your options today.